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SUN July 21
10:00am Life & Worship
Click here to view live on YouTube
11:00am Fellowship 
EMT Ted Talk

MON July 22
TUES July 23

WED July 24
3:00pm  CCS Hosts Showers
@420 Melrose Ave., SC

THURS July 25
FRI July 26
SAT July 27

Thank you for supporting our ministries as we serve our families, our community, and the environment!

Life & Worship Series: Open Door Policy

Sermon: A Perfect Stranger

Scripture: Deuteronomy 10:12-19

Reverend Dr. Mark Fountain

July 21, 2024
10:00 am Sunday

Attend worship @Church of @Home 10:00am
YouTube Channel  

&  Vimeo Channel
later Sunday afternoon & on demand.




Click HERE for News for the Week of July 21, 2024 


There are several ways to stay up to date.
- The church website (
- Our church FaceBook page
- Special editions of the eBlast. 
   - Email and call the church office (475-2867)

July Mission of the Month

Vision: All seniors live healthy, meaningful lives.

Core Values: Respect individuals, Trust, integrity, diversity and compassion, Volunteerism and community service, Acknowledge and respond to the challenges of aging and living with disabilities, Advance sustainability via reusing, repairing, repurposing and recycling.

Our Work: Local, vital and multifaceted, Grey Bears promotes good nutrition, activity and social connection as the perfect recipe for healthy aging. Since 1973 the Healthy Food program has delivered 110 million pounds of food to Santa Cruz County seniors, veterans, families and farmworkers.

Our Thrift Store: Repurposes donated household items while reducing our collective carbon footprint. Three recycling centers divert 8,000 tons of material from landfills each year, and our composting site transforms 60 tons of food scraps into high-quality compost for sale in the thrift store. We promote activity, learning and volunteering to keep our community engaged and connected.

Ministry of Missions & Services has designated Grey Bears, July Mission of the Month. You can help! Drop your donation (of any amount) in the offering plate or send to the church office. Please mark your check or online giving clearly for Grey Bears. Thank You! Thank you!

Click on the Steeple to Visit our vimeo channel to view Worship videos.

At Congregational Church of Soquel, we celebrate a Christian faith shaped by the simplicity and power of God's love, made known in Scripture and revealed in the life of Jesus Christ. True to our Congregational tradition, we gather not around a creed but a mutual covenant.

Your hearts and hands are welcome here.

10:00am Every Sunday!

NOTE:  The Sanctuary windows and doors

will be open for proper ventilation. 
Dress for the breeze!

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