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SUN July 21
10:00am Life & Worship
Click here to view live on YouTube
11:00am Fellowship 
EMT Ted Talk

MON July 22
TUES July 23

WED July 24
3:00pm  CCS Hosts Showers
@420 Melrose Ave., SC

THURS July 25
FRI July 26
SAT July 27

Thank you for supporting our ministries as we serve our families, our community, and the environment!


Imagine ... your Wedding Day
A day so romantic,
filled with love.
A classic ceremony
in a charming, traditional church,
white with a tall steeple
and beautiful stained-glass windows.

Imagine ... you and your fiance,
your family and friends,
at Congregational Church of Soquel
... perfect!

In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love,
but the greatest of them
I Corinthians 13:13

Wedding Coordinator — Call the church office, 475-2867

or email
Minister — Reverend Mark Fountain, 831-475-2867
Pianist — Susan Bass, 831-475-2867

Your wedding is an important day for you, and we want to help make it as special as possible. Please feel free to contact us with your questions or concerns.