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SUN September 8
10:00am Life & Worship
Click here to view live on YouTube
11:00am Fellowship 
Grands Day BBQ!

MON September 9

TUES September 10
 Deacons Mtg
(Click here to Zoom)

WED September 11
3:00pm  CCS Hosts Showers
@420 Melrose Ave., SC
6:00pm Ministry of Learning & Worship Mtg
(Click here to Zoom)

THURS September 12
FRI September 13

SAT September 14

Thank you for supporting our ministries as we serve our families, our community, and the environment!

New to Our Church? 


Ten Good Reasons to be at Congregational Church of Soquel

  1. Seeing the faces of our children as they sing about God's love during Sunday worship.

  2. Enjoying the smell of delicious food and the sound of great "roots" music at our annual fall benefit for Second Harvest Food Bank, A Taste of Soquel: Food and Music for the Common Good.

  3. Listening to conversation between adults and members of our youth group as they volunteer their time during an intergenerational Hand to Hand service event designed to help families in our community with serious food insecurities.

  4. Hearing the sound of our church bell, followed by the voices of our Chancel Choir as we gather for worship each Sunday morning.

  5. Receiving a greeting card made by the creative hands of our Church School.

  6. Taking in the beauty of the church courtyard after a refreshing spring rain.

  7. Discovering how the story of Scripture meets with personal stories of faith exchanged among participants at a Mayflower Forum adult education class.

  8. Giving thanks for answered prayer posted on the church online prayer chain and monthly Call 2 Pray Zoom.

  9. Feeling the excitement, friendship, warmth, and sense of community generated at our first annual All-Church Mystery Dinner.

  10. Watching the top of our church steeple appear as I travel south on Soquel Drive, thinking to myself, "Hey, that's our church!"