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SUN September 8
10:00am Life & Worship
Click here to view live on YouTube
11:00am Fellowship 
Grands Day BBQ!

MON September 9

TUES September 10
 Deacons Mtg
(Click here to Zoom)

WED September 11
3:00pm  CCS Hosts Showers
@420 Melrose Ave., SC
6:00pm Ministry of Learning & Worship Mtg
(Click here to Zoom)

THURS September 12
FRI September 13

SAT September 14

Thank you for supporting our ministries as we serve our families, our community, and the environment!


At Congregational Church of Soquel, we value the past with a sense of gratitude but welcome the present moment with expectation and joy! So please join us Sundays at 9:30 am.

The old bell ringing from atop our historic church, established in 1868, reminds us of a rich and meaningful past. However, a living tradition of life, worship and active Christian faith combine to shape an exciting future - one envisioned by God’s generous and inclusive love demonstrated in the spirit of Jesus and put to work with open hearts and compassionate hands.

Together, with this vision, we aspire to live as Jesus taught, loving God and neighbor in ways that welcome the opportunities of our time and place: creating a sustainable environment, addressing food insecurities among our neighbors, and creating a spiritual home for people of all ages and backgrounds who celebrate life together while serving the greater Santa Cruz community and beyond.

Your hearts and hands are welcome here.


Mark Fountain, minister