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SUN December 22
10:00am Life & Worship
Click here to view online
11:00am Fellowship 

MON December 23

TUES December 24
 Christmas Eve Service

WED December 25
Merry Christmas!

THURS December 26
  CCS Hosts Showers
@420 Melrose Ave., SC

FRI December 27
SAT December 28

Thank you for supporting a Faith for Our Time, Our Families • Our Community • Our Earth.

Life & Worship Series: A Christmas Awakening
Sermon: The Voice
Scripture: Matthew 2:13-14, 16-18

Reverend Dr. Mark Fountain

10:00 am Sunday

December 15, 2024

Third Sunday of Advent ~ Lighting of the Candle of Joy

Attend worship @Church of @Home 10:00am
YouTube Channel  

&  Vimeo Channel
later Sunday afternoon & on demand.




Click HERE for News for the Week of December 22,  2024 


There are several ways to stay up to date.
- The church website (
- Our church FaceBook page
- Special editions of the eBlast. 
   - Email and call the church office (475-2867)

Hope Eternal
Join the Santa Cruz Unity Choir
for an evening of hope filled music
as we perform 
The Christmas Oratorio
by Camille Saint-Saëns
Conductor:  Camille Couture; Organist:  Bill Visscher
Sunday, December 22, 4:00pm
Episcopal Church of St. John, 125 Canterbury Drive, Aptos

The Unity Choir brings together the choirs of St. John’s Episcopal Church,
Congregational Church of Soquel, and members from the choral community of Santa Cruz County 

Donations Encouraged to Benefit Shower the People
a project of the Mid County Homeless Coalition
1 hour ~ no intermission

December Mission of the Month
Hospice of Santa Cruz County & Partnership for Children

These two organizations do such important and needed work in our community. They have been part of our Mission Outreach for many years and we are excited to have the opportunity to support them again.

Partnership for Children provides safe, free & reliable rides to medical appointments/treatments. The closest children's hospi- tals are hours away in Palo Alto & San Francisco. Hospice, as many of us know, provides care for individuals and families for end-of- life care and grief support.

To support these programs, drop your donation (of any amount) in the offering plate, give online or send to the church office. Please note clearly on your donation December Mission of the Month or Hospice/Partnership for Children.  Thank you!

At Congregational Church of Soquel, we celebrate a Christian faith shaped by the simplicity and power of God's love, made known in Scripture and revealed in the life of Jesus Christ. True to our Congregational tradition, we gather not around a creed but a mutual covenant.

Your hearts and hands are welcome here.

Click on the Steeple to Visit our vimeo channel to view Worship videos.

10:00am Every Sunday!

NOTE:  The Sanctuary windows and doors

will be open for proper ventilation. 
Dress for the breeze!

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